Jumat, 15 Juni 2012


Banjra Sandhi Monument

Bajra Sandhi Monument is monument of Balinese People Struggle . This Monument is recognized by the name of Bajra Sandhi because it's form is looking like Bajra or Genta or bell used by all Hindu Priest in reading off Weda holy sentence (mantra) at religious ceremony. This monument is built in the year 1987 and it is opened by president of Megawati Sukarno Putri on 14 June 2003. The purpose of this monument is to immortalize the soul and spirit of Balinese People struggle, at one blow dig, looking after, developing and also preserve the culture of Bali to be bequeathed to a router generation as advancing capital stroke tread a world of loaded progressively with the challenge and resistance.
Bajra Sandhi, Balinese Struggle Monument, Denpasar Bali


Bajra Sandhi Monument, Places of InterestThis monument is comprising of 33 diorama depicting the journey history from a period of prehistory (300.000 S.M) what its human being still go about and very base on the nature until the period of filling the independence (1950-1975) where Bali Island is built in all areas like politics, economic, and social cultural. By knowing and comprehending of the journey history, soul, and spirit of Bali People struggle from time to time, it is expected the tighten of the spirit and cultural to increase Bali tourism.

The Building Monument of Bajra Sandhi

The existence of physical building is strongly relating to the meaning of Hinduism philosophy, namely Yoni colossus. The monument is likely colossus device meanwhile the building base as yoni. From other side, the Yoni colossus is also describing the story of twiddling Mandhara Giri at Ksirarnawa which is taken away from passage of Adi Parwa (Hindu's Book).
This building Monument is consisted of:
  • Jar of Amertha symbol by Kumba (a kind of pot) what is seen on the top monument.
  • The Dragon Basuki tail exists near by Swamba and its head at entrance gate
  • The body of Bedawang Akupa realized at its base of monument and the head at entrance gate
  • Mount of Mandara Giri realized by the high of monument boosting
  • Pool encircle the monument is supposing as Ksirarnawa (milk ocean).
Bajra Sandhi Monument in its development, it has been opened for visitor and to be places of interest or tourist destination in Bali in particular when visiting Denpasar town . You may also join Denpasar City Tour or Denpasar Tour Package to visit this beautiful place.

Photo Gallery

Bajra Sandhi, Sebuah Monumen Mengenang Perjuangan Rakyat Bali

Pada tahun 1981, Ir. Ida Bagus Gede Yadnya, memenangkan kompetisi arsitektur yang diselenggarakan oleh pemerintah provinsi untuk monumen Bajra Sandhi. Kompetisi ini adalah pemenang penghargaan dengan proyek bangunan monumen untuk mengenang perjuangan rakyat Bali.
Ida Bagus Mantra, mantan Gubernur Bali, adalah orang yang memulai proyek monument ini, dan monumen itu akan dibangun untuk mengenang kerja keras dan perjuangan heroik dari rakyat Bali sebelum dan sesudah kemerdekaan. Bagaimanapun proses pembangunan monumen ini juga semacam perjuangan. Proses pembangunan dimulai pada tahun 1981, tetapi sempat terhenti selama beberapa tahun.
Monumen ini terletak di Niti Mandala, Renon, Denpasar, wilayah di mana sebagian besar kantor-kantor pemerintahan berada. Monumen ini berdiri anggun di tengah lapangan hijau yang biasanya digunakan oleh masyarakat untuk olahraga seperti jogging, sepak bola, dan bola basket selama sesi pagi atau sore hari, dan selalu penuh dengan orang yang melakukan kegiatan pada hari Minggu pagi.
Arsitektur monumen ini sangat unik, mengambil bentuk Bajra atau Genta, peralatan yang digunakan oleh Pandita Hindu selama upacara keagamaan. Hal ini juga merupakan simbol ikatan antara laki-laki dan perempuan yang menciptakan kemakmuran sesuai dengan epik yang bercerita tentang perjuangan para dewa untuk mendapatkan Tirta Amerta.
Setiap patung dan setiap ukiran di kompleks monumen memiliki arti tersendiri. Seluruh monumen melambangkan Gunung Mandara, di mana menurut epic Mahabarata, para dewa melakukan pertempuran dengan para raksasa memperebutkan Tirta Amerta. Arsitektur juga melambangkan nasionalisme dengan 17 gerbang utama, 8 pilar, dan ketinggian monumem mencapai 45 meter, untuk mencerminkan 17 Agustus 1945 yang merupakan hari kemerdekaan negara.
Memasuki monumen, dari bagian bawah anda harus menaiki tangga yang akan membawa anda ke sebuah taman, maka terdapat beberapa tangga lagi untuk masuk ke dalam dimana terdapat kolam ikan di dalamnya. Lalu terdepat beberapa tangga lain untuk sampai ke ruang utama di mana anda dapat melihat berbagai diorama yang menceritakan kisah kehidupan di Bali dari jaman batu sampai era kemerdekaan.
Banjra Sandhi memiliki ruang di bagian atas dimana hanya terdapat akses tangga di tengah kolam. Dari ruangan tersebut, anda dapat melihat rumput hijau lapangan, atap rumah, dan bangunan disekitarnya mendominasi pemandangan. Desain yang unik dari Bajra Sandhi menarik banyak pengunjung setiap hari, dan pameran seni seperti foto atau lukisan kompetisi sering berlangsung di ruang pameran.

AGUNG : +6287862515786
or email to agungputra095@gmail.com

 will pic up to your hotel in Bali
only Rp.800.000/ Car ( 1 day ) or Rp.100.000/ hour
tour with AC car, driver with English speaking, tour price not include lunch or other guest activity
Balinese Struggle Monument, Bali 


Bali Museum

Bali Museum, Places of interest in Bali, Denpasar TownBali Museum is strategically located in Major Wisnu Street in Denpasar Bali and it is find it due to the location is in the heart town. In the north side there are glorious temple of Jagatnatha, meanwhile in front of it the Puputan Badung (Badung Courtyard) and four face statue (Catur Muka Statue) are located. The development of Bali Museum is begun by the existence of initiative how to vitally the heritage of Balinese culture and taking care of, preserve and maintaining. The initiative is based on the existence of feeling to worry, that there is symptom a kind of culture erosion, so that the cultural heritage become totally disappeared, lose, what omit only photograph and documentations.

Bali Museum History

Bali Museum save the Balinese culture heritage, emerge the founding plan a museum which afterward becomes the Bali Museum :
  • The early planning of Bali Museum founding was Governmental functionary of Dutch, Bali King, Society Prominent, all artists like: WFJ Kroon (assistant of Dutch Resident), Curt Grundler (a Germany Architect), I Gusti Alit Ngurah (Bestuurder Penegara Badung), I Gusti Bagus Jelantik (King of Karangasem), I Gusti Ketut Djelantik (King of Buleleng), King of Tabanan, and all artists like I Gusti Ketut Kandel, I Gusti Ketut Rai. The Planning is happened in year 1910 with the elementary concept Bali Museum building structure that was solidarity of the structure between temple building (Sanctum) and Palace (Keraton).
  • After agreed on the concept of the museum building structure, hence founded a mains building which deflect finished in year 1925. Because of the ancient object collection which had been collected is not yet adequate and then during 7 years (1925-1932), the mains building stood functioned for the exhibition purpose. All meritorious experts in checking object taken as collection of Bali Museum for example: DR.W.F. Stutterheim, G.I. Graider, G.M. Hendrikss, DR.R. Goris, and artist of Walter Spies
  • Bali Museum in the beginning is handled by an institution that is called Bali Museum Institution and opened officially on 8 December 1932 with the name of Bali Museum
  • The management hereinafter by institution of Bali Museum has been reverted to Government of Indonesia since 5 January 1966.

Bali Museum as a Place of Interest in Denpasar Bali 

Berikut informasi tentang tempat/ objek wisata di Bali :: Objek wisata Museum Bali.  Museum Bali ini merupakan salah satu gedung tua yang masih utuh sampai saat ini di Bali. Letaknya di pusat kota Denpasar, tepatnya di sebelah timur Lapangan Puputan Badung, bersebelahan dengan Pura Agung Jagat Natha. Bentuk bangunannya objek wisata ini, memanjang dari utara ke selatan yang terbagi menjadi dua bgian. Bagian utara merupakan komplek bangunan lama yang direncanakan dan dibangun pada tahun 1910. jadi yang suka wisata sejarah selama liburan di Bali, anda bisa mengunjungi tempai ini, letaknya di Kota Denpasar, mudah di akses dengan mobil, sepeda motor maupun bemo.
Objek wisata Museum Bali adalah merupakan museum penyimpanan peningggalan masa lampau manusia dan etnografi. Struktur fisik bangunannya merupakan perpaduan struktur fisik atau kraton, dan banyak koleksinya terdiri dari benda-benda etnografi antara lain peralatan dan prlengkapan hidup, kesenian, keagamaan, bahasa tulisan dan lain-lainnya yang mencerminkan kehidupan dan perkembangan kebudayaan Bali.
English Bali Museum :: English version
Gapura Museum 

Jumlah koleksi Museum Bali yang telah tercatat dan masuk registerasi sebanyak 10.506 buah, termasuk naskah-naskah dan salinan lontar. Semua jenis koleksi didapatkan melalui membeli dari orang-orang di masyarakat, toko-toko kesenian hadiah-hadiah dan titipan. Beberapa kelompok koleksi yang sedang diinventarisasikan diantaranya koleksi stupa dengan materainya yang berjumlah ratusan buah, 8,5 kg uang kepeng, keramik asing (Eropa, Cina) dan porselin yang berasal dari Jepang, Cina dan Siam.
Bangunan di  museum Bali berdasarkan konsep Tri Mandala yaitu nista mandala (bagian luar), madya mandala (bagian luar sebelum memasuki bagian inti), dan utama mandala (bagian inti).
Di bagian inti (utama mandala) terdapat bangunan yang terdiri dari tiga gedung yaitu:

  1. Gedung Tabanan, Paviliun yang berarsitektur khas Kabupaten Tabanan, tersimpan barang-barang purbakala, seperti benda-benda kesenian, aksesori, peralatan rumah tangga, peralatan upacara, dan bermacam-macam senjata tradisional.
  2. Gedung Buleleng, Gedung berarsitektur gaya Bali Utara tersimpan alat-alat perlengkapan rumah tangga, alat-alat kerajinan, alat-alat pertanian dan nelayan, alat-alat hiburan, patung-patung primitif dari tanah liat, batu, dan banyak lagi.
  3. Gedung Karangasem, Gedung berarsitektur gaya Bali Timur tersimpan benda-benda prasejarah, benda-benda arkeologi, etnografi, seni rupa serta beberapa lukisan modern.
Buka :Minggu s/d Kemis dari 08.00 - 15.00 dan Jumat dari 08.00 - 12.30

Tapel Rangda


Ubud Village

Ubud Village is a traditional village supervising 13 Banjar (group of community) and 6 custom countryside. It is located in Ubud sub district, Gianyar Regency and about 20 km from Denpasar Town. Ubud Vilage can be reached within 30 minutes or 15 minutes from Gianyar Town and this place is situated in the high land about 300 meter above sea level. Ubud is surrounded by the good temperature compare with other regions in Bali where the temperatures are relative cool that is ideally for everyone to stay in this beautiful place. This village is occupied 9.800 peoples which most of them are Hindu. They able to keep the environment naturally so that way this place usually used by many tourist/people/actors to get the art inspiration.
Ubud Village, Places to Stay in Bali

The Born of Ubud Village

Ubud Village, Bali Traditional VillageUbud Village is also well known as a culture village where we easily find the local community presenting traditional cultures from the ritual up to the traditional dance performances. This village own the rich culture with the history heritage of all big actors, especially all famous artists, for example I Gusti Nyoman Lempad (1862 - 1978), Anak Agng Gede Sobrat (1919 - 1992), I Gusti Made Deblog (1910 - 1968), afterward caught up by others like, I Gusti Ketut Kobot, Ida Bagus Made, Dewa Putu Bedil, Ida Bagus Rai and others. The popularity of all above artists follows to give the inspiration to all west artists to live in Ubud Bali. In year 1920's, two European artist people that are Rodolf Bonnet from Dutch and Walter Spies from Germany inscribe the new history of artistic growth paint the countryside of Ubud. Second, the European artist introduce the European esthetics technique especially illumination area, shadow, perspective and anatomy. All local artists permeate the new technique matching with value and base on local mind fixed take the traditional so that able to give the separate identity by the name Ubud. Ubud Village progressively famous as a born area of all painters because the existence of the cooperation between Tjokorda Gede Agung Sukawati and Rudolf Bonnet to form the Pita Maha. Pita Maha represent a place to discuss the artistic growth and problem paint, and also to compare mind to each other and introducing result of art which they own.

Ubud Palace/Puri Saren

Places to visit in Bali, Ubud BaliPuri Saren Ubud (Ubud Palace) is an Ubud Kingdom Palace with beautiful Balinese traditional houses as a residence of Ubud King. It is set in the center of Ubud Bali with traditional art market just in front of it and it is found by Ida Tjokorda Putu Kandel who has commanded from year 1800 - 1823. This palace is an artistic cultural life center, while the traditional market is the symbol of local economics resident. The existence of Puri Saren as a palace is equipped by a Wantilan/auditorium that is a large building of meeting room and a banyan tree as shelter place at the daytime. The traditional market is the place of society economics and its existence is always border on palace as artistic cultural life center. It means that the both pole meeting is describing the dynamics of society and kingdom life.

Places to Visit in Ubud

Puri Saren, Ubud palaceThe tourists who purchase the tour package to Ubud will visit this place and they will feel not complete if they are not invited to visit the Puri Saren (Ubud Palace) and traditional market, because both of these tourist destinations are the soul and identity of Ubud Village itself. The palace is very beautiful with artistically traditional building and contains the high esthetics value. It is situated in the good temperature which can give the ruthless and freshness for every visitor. Some world class painters from Europe have lived in Ubud like Rudolf Bonnet, Walter Spies, Arie Smith, Antonio Blanko, Hans Snell and others. These entire world class painters through its painting masterpiece have indirectly followed to promote Bali Tourism because theme or their painting objects are about the culture and nature of Bali. Ida Tjokorda Agung Sukawati has exploited his palace as lodge place for his entire respectable guest.

Ubud Palace in Growth

In the year 1928, the Tjampuhan Hotel is founded for all empire's guest and on 1934, this hotel is opened as a lodge for empire's guest and also used as a center place of Pita Maha Organization Activities. Tjampuhan Hotel is an eldest hotel in Ubud with the traditional style. In growth hereinafter, Ubud as a tourism destination is one of tourist area in Gianyar Regency own separate specification.


Gunung Kawi

Gunung Kawi is a Hindu Temple complex with old omission from the stone era located in Gianyar regency. Based on the inscription of Tengkulak A on 945 saka (Balinese calendar) which is released by Marakata King, the ancient omission complex is located at the Pekerisan River then it is called Katyangan Amarawati. Pekerisan River is also named by Jalu which is according to the inscription chiseled on the above of the biggest temple door sound ‘Haji Lumahing Jalu'. The name of Gunung Kawi is the name given on the omission which is related to the complex of temples because the temple on this area is like the symbol from the mount. There are 3 temples which so called the name as Gunung Kawi in Bali those are Gunung Kawi in Sebatu countryside, Gunung Kawi Temple in Keliki countryside and Gunung Kawi Temple in Babitra countryside. The ancient omission complex of Gunung Kawi is founded on 10 century. It is founded in the era of Udayana about 989 M. At the period of Marakata governance on 1023, the omission which is called Katyagan Amarawati is developed and continued by the governance of Anak Wungsu which is guess lead between the years of 1049 - 1077 M.
Gunung Kawi Temple, Places to Visit in Bali

The ancient omission complex

It is consisted of 2 types:
  • Temple Complex.
    Gunung Kawi Temple, Places of Interest in BaliTemple complex is consisted of 2 consecutions. The consecution in eastside Pekerisan River is consisted of 5 units and the consecution at west side of river is 5 units, in the north is 4 units and 1 unit is located far in south side separate from the others. On the above of the temple consecution in particular to the Eastside River, there is an article of Kediri word type sounding ‘Haji Lumahing Jalu'. Haji means a king, the Lumah means a temple or Sidha Dewata means to return to the nature of deity and Ing Jalu means in Pekerisan. The Jalu mean the Keris literal. The entire words mean that king is made in temple form at Pekerisan.Gunung Kawi, Hindu Temple Complex, Tourist Destinations in Bali From this article is assumed that this temple is dedicated to Udayana King which is also called Marakata and Anak Wungsu. The temple which is located in the west side of river related to all king concubines. The temples are located far in the south side is attributed to prime minister because in these temple areas existing an article Rakyan which is namely perform for high functionary of empire.
  • Buddhist Temple Complex
    Buddhist Temple Complex is used as a residence and as place for meditation. It is consisted of some nooks and it is located in the cross east of Pakerisan River. Other nooks are located spread out and near the temple bunch.
Gunung Kawi is a famous tourist destination in Bali with its ancient omission so that this place is the right to visit during your vacation in the island.

Objek wisata gunung kawi merupakan pahatan candi yang ada di tebing karang yang di percaya sebagai tempat abu jenasah raja raja bali yang sudah wafat.

gunung kawi
Gunung kawi kami merupakan salah satu cagar budaya bali yang berupa pahatan candi lokasinya objek wisata bali yang satu tidak jauh dengan objek wisata tampak siring yang dikenal sebagai sumber air suci yang di percaya sebagai tempat penyucian diri
Gunung kawi berada di Kabupaten Gianyar, yang berjarak sekitar 35 km arah timr laut tepatnya berlokasi di Banjar Penaka, Kecamatan Tampaksiring, Kabupaten Gianyar
Candi Gunung Kawi adalah bangunan yang berfungsi sebagai tempat memuliakan roh Raja Udayana beserta keluarganya. Tafsiran ini dihubungkan dengan pahatan prasasti pada salah satu candi. Candi Gunung Kawi dibagi empat kelompok. Kelompok candi lima berada di sebelah timur Tukad Pakerisan. Semua bangunan mengarah ke barat.
Candi Gunung Kawi memiliki fungsi sebagai tempat memuliakan roh suci Raja Udayana Warmadewa, Marakata, dan Anak Wungsu. Di sebelah barat Sungai Pakerisan terdapat kelompok candi empat. diperkirakan empat candi dimaksud sebagai “ padharman ” empat selir Raja Anak Wungsu. Di sebelah barat daya, ada satu candi yang dikenal dengan candi ke-10 (sepuluh). Pada pintu masuk candi gunung kawi terdapat tulisan “ rakryan ”. Mencermati tulisan huruf Kadiri Kwadrat tersebut, besar kemungkinan kelompok candi ke-10 sebagai tempat padharman pejabat atau perdana menteri pada masa pemerintahan Raja Anak Wungsu.

AGUNG : +6287862515786
or email to

only Rp.800.000/ car. not include lunch, activity and other.
AC car with driver English speaking


Penglipuran Village

Penglipuran Village is a traditional countryside owning unique characteristic life, socializing and culture. It is located in Kubu Village , Bangli Sub district and Bangli Regency. The natural nature and environments of countryside is designating the pittance touch of modernization influence. This countryside is supported by cool atmosphere because it is located on the height land about 700 m above sea level and according to history of all old doyens that this countryside is taken away from the word Pengeling Pura what its meaning remember to ancestor, but there is also telling that the word of Penglipur mean the entertainer. It is said that at former empire era, all king often use this area as a place to amuse themselves, because its nature is beautiful and can give the peacefulness and inspiration at the time of experiencing a problem.

What to See at Penglipuran Village

Penglipuran Village, Place of interest in BaliThe houses exist in this countryside from north to the south is look very beautiful in particular the Balinese traditional entrance gate which are made similar each other. When we step down to this village, we will meet the Balinese houses are oriented northeastwards to Mount Agung which is located in north-east of Bali Island . The structure of house building between one house and others are equal in particular to condition, form, size and function from the building except building of family bed room is freeform. The family temple building is places the same direction to the Agung Mount, kitchen is located in upstate from the lawn and the building of Bale Sakaenem is the six beamed building which its function for ceremony place. The place for look after the livestock and the place to plant assorted vegetable are referred as non irrigated dry field which is called Teba. Its Construction material is made from wood except family residence. It is predominated by substance from bamboo because around this countryside is bamboo producer.

Social Life System

The countryside is lead by a leader which is Bendesa or Kelian or Penyarikan or Patengan and he/she is assisted by Sinoman. The social system is recognized by the 12 group terms that are number 1 until 12 as member of Pemerincik that is commissioned member converse the problem or plan and its result is submitted to the member. They are very trusting of 12 groups and have represented the tradition in heritage away back. The Consanguinity System in this countryside is Patrilinial system that is according to father lineage. This countryside religion leader is called as Jero Bayan which is consisted of 3 Jero Bayans that is a Jero Bayan Mucuk and 2 people of Jero Bayan Nyoman. The specific cultural potential like pattern of building architecture remains to be traditional, the beautiful nature and environment with cool atmosphere, hence this countryside is the ideal place to visit during your vacation in Bali
Near from this village is Kintamani or Batur volcano and lake, having lunch while see the view

Reservation tour
AGUNG ; +6287862515786
or email to : agungputra095@gmail.com
tour only Rp.800.000/ car not include with lunch or other
( car with driver English speaking)


Berikut informasi tentang tempat / objek wisata Pura Goa Gajah yang merupakan salah satu obyek wisata di Bali, terletak di Desa Bedulu, Blahbatuh, Gianyar, Bali, merupakan pusat Kerajaan Bali Kuna, dan salah satu situs peninggalan sejarah di bumi nusantara, Goa Gajah lebih tepat disebut pura, namun karena berbentuk goa, maka dinamai Goa Gajah. Jaraknya dari Denpasar Kurang lebih 26 Km. Disana ada kios-kios kesenian dan Rumah makan.

Objek wisata Goa Gajah - Bali

Kekunaan dimiliki objek wisata Goa Gajah ini, bisa dilihat dari Peninggalan Purbakala. Di pelataran Pura Goa Gajah terdapat Petirtaan Kuna 12 x 23 M2, terbagi atas tiga bilik. Dibilik utara terdapat tiga buah Arca Pancuran dan di bilik Selatan ada Arca Pancuran pula, sedangkan di bilik tengah hanya terdapat apik arca. Di sekitar goa juga terdapat kolam pertitaan dengan tujuh patung widyadara-widyadari yang sedang memegang air suci. Konon ketujuh pancuran ini sebagai perlambang tujuh sungai penting yang sangat dihormati di India.
Kompleks goa dan tempat pemandian berada di sebelah barat sungai Petanu. Sedangkan pada bagian sebelah timur dapat ditemukan goa alami dan jenis patung-patung Budha serta pahatan-pahatan batu tebing yang sebagian besar telah jatuh di pinggiran sungai yang juga akibat gempa bumi.
Bathing temple
Bathing temple figures
Goa Gajah, or Elephant Cave,

 Located just 10 minutes outside of Ubud in Bali, Goa Gajah is a significant Hindu archaeological site. Goa Gajah is locally known as the Elephant Cave because of its close proximity to the Elephant River. A mysterious cave, relics, and ancient bathing pools set amid green rice paddies and a garden lure tourists from nearby Ubud

The History of Goa Gajah

Goa Gajah is thought to date back to the 11th century, although relics predating this time were found within proximity of the site. The first mention of Goa Gajah and the Elephant Cave was in the Javanese poem Desawarnana written in 1365.
Despite the ancient significance of the Elephant Cave, the last excavation took place during the 1950s; many sites still remain unexplored. Literal piles of relics with unknown origins have been laid out in a surrounding garden.
The leading theory suggests that Goa Gajah was used as a hermitage or sanctuary by Hindu priests who dug the cave entirely by hand. Although accredited as a sacred Hindu site, a number of relics and the close proximity of a Buddhist temple suggest that the site held special significance to early Buddhists in Bali.
The menacing entrance to Goa Gajah looks like a demonic mouth, suggesting that people are entering an underworld as they venture inside through the darkness. Some claim that the entrance represents the Hindu earth god Bhoma while others say the mouth belongs to the child-eating witch Rangda from Balinese mythology.
Goa Gajah was listed as a tentative UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1995.
Reservation Tour contact
 AGUNG : +6287862515786
email : agungputra095@gmail.com
 1 day tour 800.000 ( Indonesia Rupiah)/ 1 Car
 not include for enter in  ticket, lunch, or other activity
Driver with English speaking

Selasa, 12 Juni 2012



Tari Barong merupakan tarian yang ditarikan oleh dua orang penari laki-laki, seorang memainkan bagian kepala barong serta kaki depan, dan seorang lagi memainkan bagian kaki belakang dan ekor. Barong yang berbentuk binatang mytologi ini banyak sekali macamnya, ada yang kepalanya berbentuk kepala singa, harimau, babi hutan jantan (bangkal), gajah, lembu atau keket. Keket oleh orang Bali dianggap sebagai raja hutan yang disebut pula dengan nama Banaspati Raja.
Tarian ini merupakan peninggalan kebudayaan Pra Hindu yang menggunakan boneka berwujud binatang berkaki empat atau manusia purba yang memiliki kekuatan magis. Diduga kata barong berasal dari kata bahrwang atau diartikan beruang, seekor binatang mythology yang mempunyai kekuatan gaib, dianggap sebagai pelindung. Tetapi di Bali pada kenyataannya Barong tidak hanya di wujudkan dalam binatang berkaki empat akan tetapi ada pula yang berkaki dua. Topeng Barong dibuat dari kayu yang diambil dari tempat-tempat angker seperti kuburan, oleh sebab itu Barong merupakan benda sakral yang sangat disucikan oleh masyarakat Hindu Bali. Pertunjukan tari ini dengan atau tanpa lakon, selalu diawali dengan demonstrasi pertunjukan yang diiringi dengan gamelan yang berbeda-beda seperti gamelan Gong Kebyar, gamelan Babarongan, dan gamelan Batel.

Barong is probably the most well known dance. It is also another story telling dance, narrating the fight between good and evil. This dance is the classic example of Balinese way of acting out mythology, resulting in myth and history being blended into one reality.
The story goes that Rangda, the mother of Erlangga, the King of Bali in the tenth century, was condemned by Erlangga's father because she practiced black magic. After she became a widow, she summoned all the evil spirits in the jungle, the leaks and the demons, to come after Erlangga. A fight occurred, but she and her black magic troops were too strong that Erlangga had to ask for the help of Barong. Barong came with Erlangga's soldiers, and fight ensued. Rangda casted a spell that made Erlangga soldiers all wanted to kill themselves, pointing their poisoned keris into their own stomachs and chests. Barong casted a spell that turned their body resistant to the sharp keris. At the end, Barong won, and Rangda ran away.
Somebody can die or get seriously injured in a Barong dance. It is said that if Rangda's spell is too strong, a weak soldier may not be able to resist it, even with the help of Barong. He may end up hurting himself with his own keris.
The masks of Barong and Rangda are considered sacred items, and before they are brought out, a priest must be present to offer blessings by sprinkling them with holy water taken from Mount Agung, and offerrings must be presented.

 location in Batubulan Vilage
start dance 09.00am - 10.30am( 1 hour)
ticket for dance : Rp.100.000 per person

the location is really near with CELUK Village ( silver souvenir. the famous hand made)  only 5 minute from the dance and also near with Sukawati souvenir market . sukawati is Bali art Market open from 09.00am until 17.00pm

please call

AGUNG : +6287862515786

or email to :   agungputra095@gmail.com 

please let me know where do you stay and how many person. for driver
1 hour = Rp.100.000
1 day tour = Rp. 800.000



Kecak (pelafalan: /'ke.tʃak/, secara kasar "KEH-chahk", pengejaan alternatif: Ketjak, Ketjack), adalah pertunjukan seni khas Bali yang diciptakan pada tahun 1930-an dan dimainkan terutama oleh laki-laki. Tarian ini dipertunjukkan oleh banyak (puluhan atau lebih) penari laki-laki yang duduk berbaris melingkar dan dengan irama tertentu menyerukan "cak" dan mengangkat kedua lengan, menggambarkan kisah Ramayana saat barisan kera membantu Rama melawan Rahwana. Namun demikian, Kecak berasal dari ritual sanghyang, yaitu tradisi tarian yang penarinya akan berada pada kondisi tidak sadar[1], melakukan komunikasi dengan Tuhan atau roh para leluhur dan kemudian menyampaikan harapan-harapannya kepada masyarakat.
Para penari yang duduk melingkar tersebut mengenakan kain kotak-kotak seperti papan catur melingkari pinggang mereka. Selain para penari itu, ada pula para penari lain yang memerankan tokoh-tokoh Ramayana seperti Rama, Shinta, Rahwana, Hanoman, dan Sugriwa.[rujukan?]
Lagu tari Kecak diambil dari ritual tarian sanghyang. Selain itu, tidak digunakan alat musik. Hanya digunakan kincringan yang dikenakan pada kaki penari yang memerankan tokoh-tokoh Ramayana.[rujukan?]
Sekitar tahun 1930-an Wayan Limbak bekerja sama dengan pelukis Jerman Walter Spies menciptakan tari Kecak berdasarkan tradisi Sanghyang dan bagian-bagian kisah Ramayana. Wayan Limbak memopulerkan tari ini saat berkeliling dunia bersama rombongan penari Bali-nya.[rujukan?]

Kecak (pronounced [ˈketʃaʔ], alternate spellings: Ketjak and Ketjack) is a form of Balinese dance and music drama, originated in the 1930s Bali and is performed primarily by men, although a few women's kecak groups exist as of 2006.[1]
Also known as the Ramayana Monkey Chant, the piece, performed by a circle of 150 or more performers wearing checked cloth around their waists, percussively chanting "cak" and throwing up their arms, depicts a battle from the Ramayana where the monkey-like Vanara helped Prince Rama fight the evil King Ravana. However, Kecak has roots in sanghyang, a trance-inducing exorcism dance.

dance start 18.30pm - 19.30 pm ( 1 hour )
location at Batubulan vilage
 price : Rp.100.000 per person
call for driver to pick up from your hotel in Bali

AGUNG: +6287862515786

or email to : agungputra095@gmail.com

please let me know how many person, and your hotel in Bali.   RP.100.000 is ticket for kecak dance. that is before driver charge( i will tell you the price  when you tell me of your hotel in Bali)



Tanah Lot' adalah sebuah objek wisata di Bali, Indonesia. Di sini ada dua pura yang terletak di atas batu besar. Satu terletak di atas bongkahan batu dan satunya terletak di atas tebing mirip dengan Pura Uluwatu. Pura Tanah Lot ini merupakan bagian dari pura Dang Kahyangan. Pura Tanah Lot merupakan pura laut tempat pemujaan dewa-dewa penjaga laut.

Menurut legenda, pura ini dibangun oleh seorang brahmana yang mengembara dari Jawa. Ia adalah Danghyang Nirartha yang berhasil menguatkan kepercayaan penduduk Bali akan ajaran Hindu dan membangun Sad Kahyangan tersebut pada abad ke-16. Pada saat itu penguasa Tanah Lot, Bendesa Beraben, iri terhadap beliau karena para pengikutnya mulai meninggalkannya dan mengikuti Danghyang Nirartha. Bendesa Beraben menyuruh Danghyang Nirartha untuk meninggalkan Tanah Lot. Ia menyanggupi dan sebelum meninggalkan Tanah Lot beliau dengan kekuatannya memindahkan Bongkahan Batu ke tengah pantai (bukan ke tengah laut) dan membangun pura di sana. Ia juga mengubah selendangnya menjadi ular penjaga pura. Ular ini masih ada sampai sekarang dan secara ilmiah ular ini termasuk jenis ular laut yang mempunyai ciri-ciri berekor pipih seperti ikan, warna hitam berbelang kuning dan mempunyai racun 3 kali lebih kuat dari ular cobra. Akhir dari legenda menyebutkan bahwa Bendesa Beraben 'akhirnya' menjadi pengikut Danghyang Nirartha.

Tanah Lot means "Land [sic: in the] Sea" in the Balinese language.[2] Located in Tabanan, about 20 kilometres (12 mi) from Denpasar, the temple sits on a large offshore rock which has been shaped continuously over the years by the ocean tide.
Tanah Lot is claimed to be the work of the 15th-century priest Nirartha. During his travels along the south coast he saw the rock-island's beautiful setting and rested there. Some fishermen saw him, and bought him gifts. Nirartha then spent the night on the little island. Later he spoke to the fishermen and told them to build a shrine on the rock for he felt it to be a holy place to worship the Balinese sea gods.[3]
The Tanah Lot temple was built and has been a part of Balinese mythology for centuries. The temple is one of seven sea temples around the Balinese coast. Each of the sea temples were established within eyesight of the next to form a chain along the south-western coast. However, the temple had significant Hindu influence.
At the base of the rocky island, poisonous sea snakes are believed to guard the temple from evil spirits and intruders. A giant snake purportedly protects the temple, which was created from Nirartha's scarf when he established the island

for booking tour and price:
AGUNG : +6287862515786
or email

please let me know where do you stay in Bali and please inform me at lease 1 day advance. if you have program in Bali or to go some where please allow me to arrange your activities.



In Ubud you able to visit Ubud's Sacred Monkey forest is one of the most worth while visits in the area of Ubud and offers a fantastic blend of Balinese natural life in terms of the monkeys and the ancient protected huge rainforest trees, as well as culture of the Balinese that inhabit the entire area of Ubud where the culture remains the strongest of all the island and the temple and of Padangtegal which is dedicated to not only the monkeys but the entire surrounding area.
Ubud Monkey Forest is dwelt by 200 monkeys, pertained to long tail inclusive macaques or macaca fascicularis group which owns the wide disseminating area. Among the amount monkeys living in this forest, there are 23 adult male, 79 adult female and 98 still baby. All the monkeys in this forest consisted of three groups, dwell certain area and use the certain place and certain time. However, it also happened that entire group can use the forest and whenever two groups are existing at same place and time, they will fight each other. These monkeys are believed as Gods Guard of Dalem Agung Temple, The Hindu Temple exist in the middle of forest. There are three Holy Temples in this monkey forest and those are existing surround the forest and it is estimated built in the middle of 14 century, in the early governance of Gelgel dynasty.

Reservation tour
please call AGUNG : +6287862515786
Or email to





* Packade1:US $ 30/PERSON
 .Snorkeling ( 1hour )
 .Turtle Island ( 1 hour )
* Package 2 :US$ 35/PERSON
 .Parasailing ( 1 round )
 .Banana Boat
 .Jet Ski
* Package 3: US$ 60/PERSON
 .Glass Botton
 .Turtle Island
PARASAILING          : US$ 25 (1 ROUND )
BANANA BOAT         : US$ 20 (15 MINUTE)
JET SKI                       : US$ 30 ( 15 MINUTE)
FLY FISH                     : US$ 40 (2X FLY)
GLASS BOTTOM      : US$30 ( 1 HOUR )
TURTLE ISLAND      : US$ 30 ( 1 HOUR )
SNORKELING           : US$ 30 ( 1 HOUR )
WATER SKIING         : US$ 30 ( 1 HOUR )
WAKE BOAT               : US$ 30 ( 15MINUTE )
CORAL FISH              : US$  90 ( 4 HOUR )
Reservation tour
please call AGUNG : +6287862515786
Or email to



Rafting di Sungai Ayung ini memiliki level kelas sungai tingkat 3 dimana sangat aman bagi pemula dan juga anak anak yang berumur 6 tahun ke atas. Panjang sungai ayung ini untuk ber arung jeram kurang lebih 12 km dan memakan waktu tempuh 2 jam. Wisata arung jeram di Sungai Ayung ini biasanya di mulai pada pukul 10 pagi dan akan di akhiri pada pukul 2 sore. Terkadang juga bisa di lakukan trip siang jika ada permintaan siang dan biasanya untuk jumlah yang banyak atau group.

Selain Sungai Ayung, Bali juga memiliki Sungai Telaga Waja yang tak kalah serunya untuk berwisata arung jeram di Sungai Telaga Waja ini. Terletak di Desa Muncan, Rendang Karangasem Bali. Dari Kuta area dapat di tempuh kurang lebih 1,45 menit berkendara menuju arah timur. Biasanya rafting di Sungai Telaga Waja ini dimulai pada pukul 11 siang dan akan berakhir pada pukul 3 sore. Sungai Telaga Waja ini memiliki level sungai tingkat 4 dan memiliki panjang sungai sekitar 14 km untuk ber arung jeram. Air sungai ini lebih jernih di banding dengan sungai Ayung. Setiap harinya rafting di sungai ini bisa menurunkan sekitar 50 boat. Jadi di sepanjang sungai sangat ramai dengan teman teman atau tamu lain yang berwisata disini.
Jadi jika anda mau berarung jeram diantara dua sungai itu, maka kami sarankan ber arung jeram di Sungai Telaga Waja. Namun jika anda adalah pemula dan peserta yang berumur agak tua, maka kami sarankan ber arung jeram di Sungai Ayung Bali. pilihlah wisata arung jeram kami di bawah ini.
location: white water rafting
*Ayung River
*Telaga waja river

Service include:
. Air Conditioner transport
. Safety- approved Rafting Equipment
. Profesional River Guide
. Use of towel and shower facilities
. Buffet Lunch


60 US$/ Person


Call AGUNG : +6287862515786
Or email to